Why children’s activity businesses prefer Sawyer over Acuity

Discover powerful software that makes running a business easy and dare we say, fun!
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Why have thousands of businesses switched to Sawyer?

Built for your industry
Designed by and for children’s activity experts.
Simple and easy
Delightful tools make creating and booking classes easy-as-pie.
Everything in one place
Flexible features and automations for everyone on your team.
See for yourself!
"We’ve tried a handful of class management tools and Sawyer is leagues ahead of everything else in terms of usability.”
John, Actors Gymnasium
“Sawyer is a straight to the point simple tool but at the same time covers every area my business needs.”
Gassia, Petit Bizoo Art Studio
“Sawyer has helped me get visibility! No other platform has helped me get students to sign up for classes as Sawyer has done.”
Freny, Happy Cloud

Sawyer vs.


Choosing the right registration software sets your business up for success. Compare Sawyer and Acuity — and see which is best for your business!



Built for children’s activity businesses
Client Registration
Sibling Discounts
Afterschool and Extended Day Add-Ons
Free embeds on your site
Gift Cards
CRM with industry specific details
Customer Acquisition and marketplace
Flexible pricing designed to fit the needs of every business from small to scaling!
Tiered pricing based on business size

Sawyer has 4.8 Stars on Capterra

Don’t take our word for it. Educators everywhere see Sawyer as their #1 partner in business!
See Why
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Meet your new business manager.

See how this business owner spends less time on paperwork, and more on inspiring students.
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Expand your reach by 38%
62% of parents book while your business is open, don't miss the 38% who book outside of normal business hours.
Save 28 hours per month
Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time focusing on what you’re passionate about.
Earn 5 stars from parents
On average, parents who book through Sawyer give our education providers 4.8 stars.

Best-in-class support

Personalized onboarding
Our dedicated onboarding team makes mastering software easier than 1, 2, 3!
Continuing education
From training videos to ongoing webinars, you’ll never miss an opportunity to learn.
Detailed help center
Get step-by-step documentation for every feature. Find answers instantly at any hour.

We play well with others.

Sawyer seamlessly integrates with your workflow — from seamless schedule embeds to marketing automation integrations.
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Try Sawyer today

We’re on a mission to give every child the opportunity to discover their own love of learning.
No contracts
No hidden fees
Flexible pricing for businesses of all sizes